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Senate Intelligence Committee widens basis of investigation into Trump–Russia connection

Following the Friday night revelations that Jared Kushner had additional, previously-unrevealed communications with the Russian ambassador, and that Kushner had worked with the Russians in an attempt to set up a secret, back-door communications channel—one that was genuinely based on the idea that Trump’s people would come directly to the Russian embassy so they could connect to the Kremlin without being overheard—the Senate has decided to expand the scope of its investigation into Trump–Russia.

The Senate Intelligence Committee acted quickly to ask the Trump campaign to preserve all Russia-related documents going back to the start of the campaign. 

The Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, has asked President Trump’s political organization to gather and produce all Russia-related documents, emails and phone records going back to his campaign’s launch in June 2015, according to two people briefed on the request.

The reasoning behind this request appears to be not just that there were other communications with Russia over that period, but that the investigation is extending into other areas of the Russian relationship.

The Senate investigation is widening, beyond individual aides to the campaign’s paper trail. 

NBC also notes that this expansion is bipartisan, with Senate Republicans on the committee, led by chairman Richard Burr, also signing onto the request. On the House side, Congressman Jim Hines indicates that the House investigation should also take a broad approach. On both sides, this represents a definite expansion of the material being considered.

from Daily Kos

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