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Spotlight on green news & views: Greenland ice slip-sliding away; Cal Dems say no to oil money

This is the 501st edition of the Spotlight on Green News & Views. Previously known as the Green Diary Rescue, the spotlight usually appears twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Here is the May 24 Green Spotlight. More than 26,950 environmentally oriented stories have been rescued to appear in this series since 2006. Inclusion of a story in the Spotlight does not necessarily indicate my agreement with or endorsement of it.


Ohiodem1 writes—ALEC Restrictive Wind Farm Rules hold up $2B wind investment in Ohio: “An article in this morning’s Columbus Dispatch indicates that 2014 legislation, sponsored by Republicans Bill Seitz and Keith Faber, is holding up more than $2 Billion in investment in Ohio on clean wind power. Overly restrictive rules on wind-turbine placement have put billions of dollars of investment on hold, say government leaders from northwestern Ohio, who want to see the rules changed. The local-government officials teamed up with a wind-energy trade group today to call for the Ohio General Assembly to undo the restrictions that were put in place three years ago. A few years ago, 2014, I believe, ALEC proposed model legislation to impose highly restrictive setback requirements on the placement of wind turbines with the purpose of significantly reducing where wind farms could be placed.  Now we are seeing the impact of that legislation, which Bill Seitz, then the Ohio chairman of ALEC, sponsored, and in fact, because they couldn’t pass the legislation cleanly in a bill directly addressing the issue, they sneaked it into other legislation, a common ALEC trick to get bad legislation in through the back door.”

from Daily Kos

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