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Stephen Colbert: GOP 'Just Kicked America In The Balls' With Health Care Vote

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert ridiculed House Republicans on Thursday for celebrating the passage of the American Health Care Act, and reminded the GOP that the bill still had a long way to go before it was signed into law.

“The GOP just kicked America in the balls,” Colbert said, as he criticized Republicans for throwing a “beer bash” after the vote. “They haven’t accomplished anything yet, but it wasn’t just beer. They also served unhatched chickens.”

Colbert then took aim at White House chief of staff Reince Priebus for making a football analogy that was originally reported as a flub.

The Hill’s Molly Hooper later tweeted an apology to Priebus for inadvertently misquoting him:

Watch Colbert’s monologue in the video above.

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