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The Stories Of 8 Journalists Languishing In Turkish Prisons For Doing Their Jobs

Turkey has become the world’s biggest imprisoner of journalists. 

In the wake of a failed military coup last July that threatened President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s power, his regime has waged an “unprecedented purge” of critics, citing supposed national security concerns as a pretext for mass arrests and newspaper closures.

An estimated 2,500 media professionals in the country have lost their jobs, and more than 160 news outlets have been shuttered in the fallout of the attempted takeover, according to Amnesty International. By late 2016, two-thirds of all journalists detained worldwide were imprisoned in Turkey.

Scores of reporters have personally fallen victim to the post-coup purge and crackdown on dissent in Turkey, where a simple tweetcartoon or poem can put you behind bars.

As of December, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 81 members of the press had been jailed in Turkey in direct retaliation for their work. Dozens more have fled the country out of fear for their safety, at a time when the Turkish people need a free, functional press perhaps more than ever.

“The coup attempt provided the government with the perfect opportunity to go after any critical voice and any opponent under the pretext of defending the state and national security,” Nina Ognianova, CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia program coordinator, told HuffPost.

Erdoğan himself declared the failed coup “a gift from God” just days after it happened.

His government’s sweeping powers have been further fortified by a narrow victory in a constitutional referendum that took place last month. Erdoğan can now call a state of emergency and govern by decree at any time, without seeking approval from lawmakers. (U.S. President Donald Trump, who shares Erdoğan’s antipathy toward journalists,  congratulated the Turkish president on the outcome of the referendum.)

“What happened after the coup was not really a surprise for those who have been watching Turkey’s policy and hostility toward the media closely,” Ognianova said. “But the intensity of this crackdown has been unprecedented.”

Journalism is not a crime. But more than 120 media workers are detained in Turkey today. On World Press Freedom Day, HuffPost shares the stories of eight journalists who are currently locked up in Turkish jails ― simply for doing their jobs.

Ahmet & Mehmet Altan

Prominent Turkish journalist and author Ahmet Altan (above, left) and his brother Mehmet, a distinguished economics professor, journalist and author, were detained during a raid in September.

They are accused of somehow “sending subliminal messages” to coup plotters during a television broadcast, and remain in custody. Ahmet Altan was briefly released, but was later detained again over allegations of attempting to overthrow the government and belonging to a terrorist organization. 

“I am facing a horrifying accusation, for which there isn’t a shred of evidence,” he said, according to Amnesty.

Mehmet Altan described his time in prison to The Guardian as “a very narrow life, without any joy or feeling to it.”

Kadri Gürsel

Veteran Turkish journalist Kadri Gürsel has been imprisoned since late October with eight other media workers. He is accused of terrorism offenses regarding a column he wrote shortly before the failed coup, and of supporting Fethullah Gülen ― the coup’s mastermind, according to Erdoğan.

But such allegations make little sense to Sedat Ergin, a columnist and former editor-in-chief of the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet who worked with Gürsel for years.

“It was Gürsel who had worked tirelessly from the start to draw attention to the dangers of Fethullah Gülen’s organization, never shying away from its threats,” Ergin wrote in a recent column. “Accusing such a qualified journalist of supporting that organization and throwing him in prison raises some serious questions of credibility.”

Gürsel’s wife, Nazire, told Amnesty she has been struggling to explain the situation to their young son. 

“My husband is paying a heavy price for speaking out. Our 10-year-old son only saw his father once since Kadri has been imprisoned,” she said. “He doesn’t understand why this is happening to us.”

Nazlı Ilıcak

Prominent Turkish television reporter and former member of parliament Nazlı Ilıcak faces possible life imprisonment in Turkey without parole.

She was arrested in Turkey in late July, and questioned amid allegations of “attempting to bring down the government,” producing “propaganda for a terrorist organization,” and being affiliated with the Gülenist movement.

Ilıcak once lost her job at the pro-government newspaper Sabah for criticizing the government, PEN America notes.

The 72-year-old has maintained her innocence while in custody.

“My job at the TV station was to present a program,” she said. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

Mahir Kanaat

BirGün daily newspaper journalist Mahir Kanaat was arrested last Christmas along with six of his colleagues.

“My hands were tied behind my back and a ‘special team’ [of police officers] was on top of me,” he said of his arrest, according to Amnesty. “I shouted: ‘My wife is nine months pregnant, why are you making her lay down?’ and tried to get up. There was a scuffle [during which] I was kicked in the face.”

The journalists were arrested for allegedly having connections to an organization accused of hacking a Turkish minister. They were reportedly denied access to lawyers for several days.

Kanaat’s son was born while he was detained. He is still in prison, awaiting trial. 

Musa Kart

Musa Kart is no stranger to the president. Erdoğan has come after the celebrated graphic artist several times for what he deemed to be offensive cartoons.

In 2005, Erdoğan sued Kart and the Cumhuriyet newspaper for “public humiliation” following the publication of a cartoon that depicted the politician as a kitten in a ball of wool. The case was eventually dismissed.

In 2014, Erdoğan took Kart to court for “insulting [him] though publication and slander” in another cartoon, but that case was likewise dismissed.

But Kart is now in prison with 10 of his colleagues from Cumhuriyet. In October, Turkish authorities raided his home and took him to jail, where he was held for months without trial. 

Last month, the government charged him with “abusing trust” and “helping an armed terrorist organization without being a member.” He is due to stand trial in July.

Ahmet Şık

Investigative reporter Ahmet Şık was arrested in late 2016 over allegations of spreading terrorist propaganda. He was subsequently accused of “publicly humiliating the Republic of Turkey, its judicial organs; [and] military and police organizations,” and was questioned about his social media posts.

Ironically, Şık spent more than a year in prison in 2011 after writing a book that described alleged crimes by forces loyal to Gülen ― who was then an ally to the Turkish government.

“I reject the accusations that are made against me,” he said in court. “The subject of the investigation concerns my professional activities, in other words: journalism.”

Şık’s wife, Yonca, told Amnesty: “Ahmet’s imprisonment is a message to others: ‘Speak out if you dare.’” 

Deniz Yücel

Deniz Yücel, a Turkey correspondent for the German newspaper Die Welt, became the first foreign reporter to be held in pretrial custody in the fallout of the coup attempt.

Yücel belonged to a Twitter group that had access to hacked emails, and has been detained since February. His lawyers’ application for his release was rejected in March. He is accused of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” and “inciting the public to hatred.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded Yücel’s release in March, and has vowed that her government will do “everything in its power” to secure his freedom.

“A free and independent press is part of democracy and must never be questioned,” Merkel said, noting that Yücel “did nothing but do his job.”

Ognianova is urging world powers to use their influence to defend and advocate for media freedom in Turkey.

“Turkey still has in its potential the ability to overcome this descent into authoritarianism,” she said. “But only if the international [community] continues to constructively pressure on President Erdoğan and Turkey’s leadership to embrace freedom of the press, and to give Turkey’s public the news coverage and freedom of expression it deserves.”

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