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Trump administration taps accused sexual assaulter for high-level position in State Department

Apparently, sexual assaulters stick together in the Trump administration. In what is sure to be the grossest, most hideous appointment yet (aren’t they all, though?), the Trump administration has hired an official to work at the State Department that was actually accused of multiple sexual assaults during his time as a student at The Citadel military college.

Steven Munoz was hired by the Trump administration as assistant chief of visits, running an office of up to 10 staffers charged with the sensitive work of organizing visits of foreign heads of state to the U.S. That includes arranging meetings with the president. 

At The Citadel, five male freshmen alleged that Munoz used his positions as an upperclassman, class president and head of the campus Republican Society to grope them. In one incident, a student reported waking up with Munoz on top of him, kissing him and grabbing his genitals. In another, on a trip to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., a student said that Munoz jumped on him in bed and he "felt jerking and bouncing on my back."

An investigation by The Citadel later found that "certain assaults likely occurred." A local prosecutor reviewed the case and declined to seek an indictment.

This is absolutely insane. Five students complained that Munoz is a serial groper and the school also found that this likely happened. But a prosecutor never filed charges. This speaks to how those who are accused of sexual assault face no consequences for their behavior and are actually rewarded for abusing others.

After one student reported to a school official in 2010 that Munoz had sexually assaulted him, The Citadel didn't discipline Munoz. Instead, it gave him a warning.

Over the next year and a half, Munoz allegedly assaulted four other students. Those incidents weren't reported until well after Munoz graduated in 2011. [...]

Upon graduation, The Citadel gave Munoz an award for "leadership, sound character and service to others." The citation said he could "always be counted upon to help classmates who need assistance and to mentor younger cadets adjusting to life at The Citadel." [..]

When more students came forward the year after Munoz graduated, The Citadel banned him from campus and referred the case to state police, who did an extensive investigation.

from Daily Kos

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