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Trump budget devastates science and research spending

Just in case you missed it, Donald Trump is no forward thinking JFK, urging us to reach for the moon and beyond “not because it is easy but because it is hard.” But if there was any remaining doubt about his integrity and decency among his remaining holdout supporters, Trump’s widely panned budget proposal should lay them to rest. Even the science and research portions are nothing short of revolting starting with the name, straight out of truth-speak:

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.

The people who will take those cuts on the chin include huge swaths of Trump’s own voters, the very people he promised time and time again to help. But aside from that betrayal, American Greatness Trump-style will carve a cool billion away from the National Cancer Institute and a half billion more from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Heart disease and cancer alone are responsible for almost half the deaths in the US, knocking off well over a million people per year, making them roughly ten-thousand times more deadly to US residents than terrorism. 

The CDC will see more than a billion gutted off the top and the National Science Foundation will have about three-quarter billion sliced away. The National Institute of Health overall will be “right-sized” from $31.8 billion to $26 billion. Environmental science is likewise being impacted while simultaneously being taken apart from the top down by industry-friendly appointees who hate the agencies they run.

You voted for hard times, Trump voters. This budget is just one of many ways the GOP is going to try and deliver.

from Daily Kos

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