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Trump defends himself on 'collusion' but throws rest of his campaign under the bus

During Donald Trump's joint press conference Thursday with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Trump took time to distance himself and himself only from any "collusion" with Russia.

"The entire thing has been a witch hunt," Trump said of the inquiry into ties between his campaign and Russian operatives. "There is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign—but I can always speak for myself, and the Russians, zero.”

Naturally, Trump mangled “only speak for myself” and appears to have technically said “always,” but the implication was clear.

It's a moment CNN's Jake Tapper and Jeffrey Toobin turned over following the press conference. Toobin called it "a very categorical denial" of Trump’s own conduct.

"But as for his campaign, it was a lot more cautious and less definitive," Toobin added.

Wonder what Trump’s campaign staff thinks of that. Hey, thanks Don, nice workin’ for ya. Next time you need me, feel free to get in touch with my lawyer.

Watch the clip below.

from Daily Kos

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