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Trump is going to be in for a big, unhappy surprise when he watches his TV news tonight

Popular vote loser Donald Trump had some conditions for Trumpcare. Wait until he finds out from watching the cable tv today they aren’t in there.


The news on this one isn't going to be good, and that's going to be a problem for Speaker Paul Ryan who crammed this piece of shit bill through the House. It's going to be a problem, because it's going to give Trump one more reason to hate him.

But inside the White House, senior administration officials say no one "really loves the legislation," in the words of one official. Trump has expressed misgivings—particularly over fears that people will lose health care and blame him. He has spoken more about blasting Obamacare than selling his own legislation, barely bringing up the new plan at a rally last Saturday night, and only at the very end of his speech.

When Trump finds out that every promise he made on health care in his campaign has been broken by Ryan, and when the Congressional Budget Office releases a score next week, because that score will be brutal.

Mitch McConnell is going to have such a fun time with this one.

The vote’s over, but that doesn’t mean you should stop calling. Tell your Republican member just how badly they’ll pay for this vote. 202-224-3121.

from Daily Kos

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