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Trump White House prepares to ditch Paris Agreement on climate change

The White House has hidden the data, and now it’s ready to take the next step.

President Donald Trump may pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement on climate change as early as next week, sources with knowledge of the plans told HuffPost on Tuesday.

President Obama hustled through the approval of the agreement to push it past the threshold for implementation. As of now 144 of 197 parties have ratified the agreement.

Honestly, the Paris agreement has no enforcement, and no penalties. It’s more a matter of committing to do the right thing, with each country setting its own targets and determining the best way to reach those goals.

The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to put forward their best efforts through “nationally determined contributions” (NDCs) and to strengthen these efforts in the years ahead. This includes requirements that all Parties report regularly on their emissions and on their implementation efforts.

It’s as far from a draconian one-world government as can be imagined, and with everyone participating, it’s hardly a particular hardship on the United States. That’s especially true when the United States is already halfway to reaching its targets thanks to declining use of coal to generate electricity. The increasing market advantages of renewable energy and conservation made possible by LED lights and improved appliances are driving us toward the targets without requiring extraordinary efforts or costs. So … why bother to do anything at all?

Remaining in the Paris Agreement could strengthen environmental lawsuits against the White House over its climate agenda, such as the rollback of the Clean Power Plan, the sweeping Obama-era regulation to cut emissions from the utility sector, the lawyers argued, according to a source with direct knowledge of the meeting.

Oh. That.

from Daily Kos

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