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Trump's new HHS pick is a transphobe whose former hate group promoted 'ex-gay therapy'

Donald Trump’s HHS spokesperson “has made a career out of disparaging and smearing transgender people and the LGBTQ community,” according to Rewire, with anti-choice activist and former anti-LGBTQ hate group staffer Charmaine Yoest referring to trans people as “creatures” and disparaging their medical necessities. Trump has already stacked other agencies with the worst-of-the-worst—an anti-immigrant hate group leader has now filled a government post that’s supposed to help immigrants, for example. Add Yoest to the list. “It’s almost as if President Trump is trying to find people who say the most mean, spiteful, hateful things about transgender people to fill roles in his administration,” said one trans advocate. Yup:

Blog posts published on a website co-authored by Charmaine Yoest and her husband Jack Yoest, a business and economics professor at the Catholic University of America, include transphobic language and referred to transgender people as “crazy,” labeled transgender people “creatures,” and referred to medical care for transgender people as “a joke.

The Yoests in a 2008 blog post claimed that McDonald’s “promotes the homosexual lifestyle” and encouraged readers to send an open letter to McDonald’s corporate leadership. “Parents should ask if McDonald’s will embrace open unisex restrooms where transgenders and transvestites and cross-dressers can have proximity to the wee ones,” Yoest wrote.

Many of the blog’s more inflammatory posts have since been removed.

Yoest, who will serve as the assistant secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), was among Trump’s most loyal supporters during the 2016 presidential campaign and was named to Trump’s “pro-life advisory council” designed to woo anti-choice hardliners.

Her transphobic and homophobic remarks haven’t been relegated solely to blog posts, either: “Yoest in a 2006 appearance on Fox News said transgender people suffer from a ‘disorder’ and claimed that people who seek to have their birth certificate match their gender identity are ‘attempting to change reality.’” Charming.

from Daily Kos

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