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Veterinarian Sweetly Sings To Puppy To Calm Her Down Before Surgery

Veterinarian Ross Henderson always goes the extra mile for his furry patients.

On Thursday, Henderson, who works at Fox Hollow Animal Hospital in Lakewood, Colorado, was set to perform a routine spay on a 6-month-old pup named Ruby. She was running and jumping around, unable to settle down, so Henderson grabbed his guitar and sweetly sang Elvis Presley’s “I Cant Help Falling In Love With You” to calm her nerves before the procedure.

Office manager Darcy Holloway recorded a video of the moment and posted it to the Fox Hollow Facebook page, where it has since been viewed 280,000 times:  

“When [Ruby] was waiting for her procedure, she was like, what’s going on? Why isn’t anyone playing with me?” Henderson told HuffPost. “She was jumping up and doing circles and stuff.”

“So I walked over and after my third time of just going up to the kennel door, I was like, I’m going to sit with her, I don’t have a lot going on,” he continued. “And then I started playing some guitar.”

In the video, you can see Ruby calmly curled up in Henderson’s lap as he plays. 

“Sometimes your patient just needs you to go the extra mile to make them feel comfortable when they’re here for the day to have surgery,” the animal hospital wrote in the Facebook post. “Dr. Ross has mastered the technique and sweet Ruby was so thankful for that.”

Henderson said Ruby’s recovery is going smoothly. 

“She actually came in yesterday for a recheck,” he said. “She’s bouncing around, acting like a completely normal, excited puppy. She’s doing well.”

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