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Zombie Trumpcare could be lurching to a vote as soon as tonight

The House is back in chaos over Zombie Trumpcare, with rumors that it will come back to the floor either Thursday or possibly even tonight—Wednesday. Which only makes partial sense—they want to get out of town as soon as possible for another week of vacation, but when they get home they'll face some really irate constituents.

Leadership is trying to get this through before there's an assessment from the Congressional Budget Office, but they can't hide from all the experts and the health care industry groups who are saying that the latest iteration of the bill does far too little: "'The amendment at hand focuses on high-risk pools, but the $8 billion amount is a pittance,' said Robert Graboyes, a healthcare expert at the conservative Mercatus Center. 'Spread over five years, it’s a fifth of a pittance.'"

They also can't hide from the big guns, like the American Medical Association, which has a blistering assessment of the latest effort.


"Serious harm to patients and the health are delivery system." "Millions of Americans will lose their health insurance as a direct result of this proposal."

CALL!!! House Republicans are hell-bent on ripping away our health insurance. Call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121, and demand they vote NO on a renewed Trumpcare that is worse than the one before. Remind them they work for you.

from Daily Kos

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