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Donald Trump to hold 2020 re-election fundraiser next week at his Washington hotel

Donald Trump started spending money on his 2020 re-election effort on November 24, 2016—less than three weeks after the election. He officially launched his re-election effort on inauguration day. It’s a move that allows Trump to do two things: First, he can hold rallies at which he can voice over the top attacks, angry divisive rhetoric, and general nuttiness. Second, he can do this:

President. Candidate. Businessman. Three of President Donald Trump’s roles converge next week as he holds his first re-election fundraiser at his hotel in Washington.

Donald Trump is officially holding his first fundraiser of his re-election, at the hotel he operates in a federal-government-owned building. Next week.

In a comparison when things were still sane, Barack Obama announced that he planned to run for re-election on April 4, 2011. That was a year and half before the election. It was also nearly a month ahead of the usual date, and the early sign-on generated heated complaints from Republicans at the time.

To be fair, Barack Obama did fundraising in 2010—for the upcoming congressional elections. His fundraising for re-election was limited to just over a year before the 2012 race. The same schedule fit George Bush, who attended dozens of fundraisers in 2003, and Bill Clinton, who attended a smaller number of fundraisers in 1995 for the 1996 election.

But spending 25 percent of his time in the White House regularly ignoring his day job and shoveling in donations isn’t enough for Trump. He started before he even took office, and he’s not going to stop demonstrating that Donald Trump is all about Donald Trump. All the time.

from Daily Kos

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