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Trump might not have the Freedom Caucus with him on shutting down the government

Donald Trump wants his border wall, and has explicitly said that he's willing to shut down the government if he doesn't get it. Congress has to pass, and Trump has to sign, a continuing resolution to keep government funded by the end of September. In addition to keeping the government's doors open, there's also a debt ceiling increase so that America doesn't default on its debt, sending the global economy into a tailspin. There are funding reauthorizations needed for the Children's Health Insurance Program and, oh yeah, the National Flood Insurance Program. Speaking of which, there's this major disaster continuing to unfold in southeast Texas that will require billions in emergency assistance in the coming days and weeks. It's also so serious that even the Freedom Caucus is thinking that having a government shutdown right now isn't such a great idea.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said Wednesday that he and his allies will support short-term legislation to fund the government even if it excludes money for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. […]

"In talking to a number of my members, if there was a vote for a continuing resolution next week that did not include border wall funding, the majority of those members would be supportive of that," Meadows said in an interview on ABC's "Powerhouse Politics" podcast. He emphasized that he's supportive of the wall but wants to avoid a shutdown fight amid federal relief efforts in Houston.

Meadows' comments makes it more likely that a congressional showdown over a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico will be put off until December, when Congress is expected to revisit measures to fund the government. […]

Trump has said he hopes a shutdown isn’t necessary but hasn't ruled out vetoing government funding legislation that excludes wall funding money. He's slated to meet with legislative leaders next Wednesday to discuss the September agenda.

So there's definitely an expiration date on their desire to avoid a government shutdown, but it's now likelier that it won't happen at the end of next month. That is, if Trump is paying attention and understands that he won't have allies in Congress if he continues to demand his border wall funding happen immediately. It's Trump, so who knows. It's going to depend on his attention span and the ability of congressional leadership—who he has been at war with for weeks—to rein him in.

from Daily Kos

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