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Republicans hate strong, ambitious women. That's why they have their sights set on Elizabeth Warren

In her new book What Happened, Hillary Clinton has an entire chapter devoted to what it’s like being a woman in politics. In it, she addresses the rampant sexism and misogyny that women endure as political candidates and public officials. She is candid in her assessment of how men in politics are far less scrutinized, tested, and painted as hypocritical in the ways that women are. It is a harsh truth and a sad demonstration of how far we have to go toward gender equality in this country. 

Hillary Clinton isn’t likely to run for office again. However, what she describes is a phenomenon not unique to her but instead one experienced by a number of women in politics. One notable example is Elizabeth Warren. Warren is the darling of the progressive left and a number of Democrats are hopeful that she will run for president in 2020. She has announced that she has no plans to do so. But that has not stopped the right wing from investing the same level of vitriol and mudslinging in her that it did with Hillary.

Yet now, as many hope and speculate that she might run in 2020, the right is investing in a story line about Warren that is practically indistinguishable from the one they peddled for years about Clinton. And even in these early days, some of that narrative is finding its way into mainstream coverage of Warren, and in lefty reactions to it.

It’s a literal investment, one that may mean that conservatives see Warren as among the most dangerous of their future presidential opposition. [...]

But most notable was the $150,000 sunk by conservative hedge-fund billionaire and Breitbart benefactor Robert Mercer into a super-PAC called Massachusetts First, built specifically to target Warren.

It looks like the money given by Mercer is going to radio ads that target Warren as an elite, liberal professor who collected loads of money in the form of her Harvard Law School salary while her students went into debt for their education. And true to their playbook, just like with Hillary, Republicans are painting Warren as untrustworthy. 

from Daily Kos

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