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This week in science: pushback polls

Republicans are back in the White House and the war on science is back on right where it left off in 2009. The usual suspects particularly dislike environmental science and climate research is at the top of that short shit list. But a new poll finds the public has become more skeptical of industry funded misinformation in the interim:

More than half of Americans now see climate change as responsible for the severity of recent hurricanes – an about-face from 12 years ago, when most attributed it to happenstance. The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll finds a near-universal shift in this direction, even among formerly skeptical groups, albeit with smaller gains among Republicans and Republican-leaning groups.

The gist of if there has been substantial progress in all groups, even among a few self-identified Republican voters. Full cross tabs and methodology available here in .pdf format.

The discovery would push the origins of life even deeper into the planet's history, to a hellish time when Earth was barely cooled and constantly colliding with other bodies in the solar system.

  • There is such a thing as a Saturn Nebula and it’s quite exquisite. The object got its name because it superficially resembled a ringed planet as seen by the telescopes in use back in the era when it was first discovered.
  • Roy Moore has said a lot of zany things over the years. But it seems strange to have to actually correct him by saying that evolution does not suggest we evolved from snakes:
There’s no such thing as evolution ... That we came from a snake?  No I don’t believe that.

from Daily Kos

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