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Mobile is now the majority of traffic for most news sites, but leads to less time spent on site

You might have heard: Digital advertising online and via mobile passes broadcast TV for the first time ever as 68 percent of people follow breaking news on their smartphones

But did you know: At the start of 2015, 39 of the top 50 digital news websites have more traffic to their websites and applications from mobile than desktop, according to Pew Research Center’s State of the News Media 2015. But for every 50 news sites, Pew found only 10 have mobile visitors who spend more time on the site than desktop users. For 15 of the top 50 news sites, the time spent on mobile and desktop was roughly equal, and for half, the time spent was less for mobile than desktop.

+ Pew’s report ranks top online-only news sites, with Huffington Post and BuzzFeed at the top (Poynter) and the outlook for newspapers from Pew is still “gloomy” with a 4 percent drop in print ad revenue (Nieman Lab)

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from American Press Institute

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