As required by Congress since 1995, the White House delivered it annual report to Congress today listing the title and salary of every White House employee. Here’s a link to the report and it also appears below as a searchable table (you can download the data by clicking on MENU). Here are some details of 2015 White House salaries:
1. There are currently 472 employees listed in the White House salary report: 263 female staffers and 209 male staffers. As you can see above, the White House report provides employee names, positions and salaries, but does not provide data on gender. Based on the names provided, the gender for most employees was obvious (e.g. Thomas, Matthew, Maureen, Stephanie), and for those names that weren’t obvious (Jem, Casey, Sabey, Kelsey, Vy, etc.) I conducted basic Internet research that included Google searches, image searches, Wikipedia, and Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn searches.
2. The White House salaries this year range between a minimum of $41,000 for a position titled “Analyst” and a maximum of $173,922 for 18 employees (9 male and 9 female) with the senior-most positions like Josh Earnest (Press Secretary), Valerie Jarrett (Senior Advisor to the President) and Susan Rice (National Security Advisor). The average White House salary is $85,224 and the median salary is $71,054).
3. By gender, the median salary for the 263 female White House employees is $65,650 and the median salary for the 209 male staffers is $78,000 (see chart above). Therefore, female staffers in the Obama White House currently earn 84.2% of the median salary for male staffers, or 84.2 cents for every $1 men earn, and there is a 15.8% gender pay gap at the White House. That pay gap is slightly smaller than the 17.9% gender pay gap at the White House last year, but is almost two times the average gender pay gap for Washington, DC of 9.2% according to the most recent data from the Department of Labor (see Table 3).
4. Stated in dollars, the typical female staffer working in the Obama White House earns $12,350 less on average per year than the typical male staffer. Because of that significant gender pay gap, women women working for Obama will have to continue to work until mid-March in 2016 before they earn what the typical male staffer will earn working just this year. That is, Equal Pay Day for the female White House staffers won’t take place until next March 14, 2016!
And yet despite the gender pay gap at the White House, Obama makes presidential proclamations every year for National Equal Pay Day, like this one earlier this year to mark April 14 as the calendar day in 2015 that the average woman had to continue working to earn the same income as the average man earned in 2014:
On average, full-time working women earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by men, and women of color face an even greater disparity. This wage gap puts women at a career-long disadvantage, and it harms families, communities, and our entire economy. Today, in more than half of all households, women are breadwinners — 49 million children depend on women’s salaries. But our economy and our policies have not caught up to this reality. When women experience pay discrimination it limits their future, and it also hurts the people they provide for. It means less for their families’ everyday needs, for investments in their children’s futures, and for their own retirements. These effects reduce our shared prosperity and restrict our Nation’s economic growth. Wage inequality affects us all, and we each must do more to make certain that women are full and equal participants in our economy.
I do hereby proclaim April 14, 2015, as National Equal Pay Day. I call upon all Americans to recognize the full value of women’s skills and their significant contributions to the labor force, acknowledge the injustice of wage inequality, and join efforts to achieve equal pay.
So women working at the Obama White House are doing a little better than women nationwide, but will still have to work an additional 49 days into 2016 to earn the same salary as the typical male staffer will earn this year. The female staffers might want to ask their boss why he talks so much about gender disparities, pay discrimination, and achieving equal pay while they suffer from a glass ceiling at the White House and an annual pay disparity of $12,350 compared to their male counterparts!
Bottom Line: In reality, the pay gap that has persisted every year at the Obama White House is not likely the result of gender discrimination, just like the findings of gender pay gaps in the general economy or at specific companies or organizations are also not likely the result of gender discrimination. While Obama and gender activists constantly lecture us about gender pay disparities nationally, with the assumption that any unadjusted pay gap using aggregate median salaries can only result from gender discrimination, the persistent gender pay gap at Obama’s own White House exposes the hypocrisy of Obama and his wage gap activist supporters.
If a 15.8% pay gap at the Obama White House results from factors having nothing to do with gender discrimination, isn’t is possible that the national gender pay gaps also has very little to do with discrimination? If a 15.8% White House gender pay gap can be explained by factors other than discrimination, can’t a similar gender pay gap, if it exists at Target, Facebook, the University of Michigan, or ExxonMobil, also be explained by factors other than discrimination?
President Obama can’t have it both ways, either: a) there are gender pay differences throughout the economy and in any organization including at the White House, which can be explained by factors other than gender discrimination including age, years of continuous work experience, education, differences in positions, hours worked, marital status, number of children, workplace environment and safety, industry differences, etc., or b) any gender pay gap in aggregate, unadjusted salaries automatically exposes gender discrimination – including the White House – and Obama needs to explain why he is “waging a war on his women staffers” by paying them less than men on average.
So either: a) there is a glass ceiling at the White House and Discriminator-in-Chief Obama is guilty himself of paying his female staffers significantly less than men by $12,350 per year on average, or b) Obama is guilty of statistical fraud and deception for continuing to spread misinformation about the alleged discrimination-based gender pay gap at the national level with bogus claims like “Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men.”
Perhaps the persistent gender pay gap at the White House will move us further in the direction of statistical and economic sanity on an issue that has been plagued for generations by politics, gender demagoguery, and statistical fraud. It’s time to finally kill the gender wage gap myth once and for all! Let’s follow Christina Sommers’ advice to women’s advocates and Take back the truth.
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