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LC Harvest Fest offers safe alternative on Halloween night

Parents hoping to avoid the perils of trick-or-treating — along with all lovers of candy and hay bells — are encouraged to attend the Lake Charles Harvest Festival this Halloween.

Face painting, balloon making, fun bounces, games, dancing and the famous harvest train ride will all be available, officials said. The event will be 5-8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31, at the Lake Charles Civic Center, 900 Lakeshore Drive.

The purpose of the festival is to provide a safe alternative to nighttime trick-or-treating, said Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Helen Lewis.

“We wanted to create something that would be a safe, wholesome environment for the entire family,” Lewis said. She described the event as “one big huge fall carnival” for kids of all ages.

She said Mayor Randy Roach has always been heavily involved with the festival and often comes out to drive the train. She has helped organize the festival for over 15 years and said it “gets better every year.” She said over 3,000 people attend each Halloween.

Last year the planning committee started Tiny Tots World, a place where young children can enjoy the same activities as the older ones in an age-appropriate environment, Lewis said. She described it as a huge success and is excited to introduce some new activities this year.

One activity is Lady Bug Avenue, where children can get their nails and faces painted with lady bugs, grab a lady bug balloon or race centipede machines for prizes.

Lewis said the event is designed to entertain, not to frighten. She said a spooky alley will be available, but that none of the decorations are dark or menacing.

“It just looks like a scientist went mad,” Lewis said. She said volunteers will tell parents exactly what to expect before they walk down the alley.

Although costumes aren’t required to participate, children will have the opportunity to compete in a costume contest. Prizes will be awarded for most creative costume, best homemade costume and best store-bought costume. Concessions will be available.

The city recommends that trick-or-treat activities end at 8 p.m.

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