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Hmm, wonder why: Trump reportedly gives Cinco de Mayo hosting duties to Pence

For the first time in 16 years, the White House will not host a Cinco de Mayo celebration this week, with Politico reporting that Donald “the Hispanics love me” Trump has instead forked over hosting duties to the even more pale Mike Pence. *glares in Spanish*:

A reception will be held in the Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, the building next door to the White House, on Thursday, the day before the holiday.

An official in Pence’s office said it’s unclear whether President Donald Trump, who marked Cinco de Mayo last year with a tweet about a taco bowl, will attend the White House celebration. Trump’s headed to New York City on Thursday to join Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at an event to mark the Battle of the Coral Sea aboard the USS Intrepid.

“Some in the Hispanic community weren’t even sure a reception would take place,” notes Politico. Dios mio, ya think?

Latinos and Trump haven’t exactly been on the best terms since his campaign announcement, after that whole thing about building a wall that Mexico would pay for (what’s Spanish for ‘no”?), and Mexicans being “rapists.” On Election Day, thanks to those racist insults, Trump got the lowest level of support among Latino voters than any other presidential nominee in modern history, period. Now that the popular vote loser finds himself in the Oval Office and has sent his deportation force after moms and dads, the relationship isn’t much better. Maybe he’s saving himself the embarrassment of being publicly shamed by an attendee, or critics? Wait, is he even capable of feeling shame? Probably not. Either way, why is any of this happening? Honestly, Donald, we know you can’t stand Latinos, and Latinos can’t stand you. Can we just agree to ignore each other on this one day?

from Daily Kos

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