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Ben Carson's main concern about low-income housing: It can't be too comfortable

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson seems to have one overriding concern about the housing he oversees: is it uncomfortable enough to fit his dopey moralizing about bootstraps? The New York Times’ Yamiche Alcindor reports that:

As he toured facilities for the poor in Ohio last week, Mr. Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-housing secretary, joked that a relatively well-appointed apartment complex for veterans lacked “only pool tables.” He inquired at one stop whether animals were allowed. At yet another, he nodded, plainly happy, as officials explained how they had stacked dozens of bunk beds inside a homeless shelter and purposefully did not provide televisions.

Is there a way to turn cots into bunk beds? He’d probably love that. He should look into old-school British workhouses—they had some ideas that might really appeal to him, and he could just use Charles Dickens as a source.

Carson also put the disarray of Donald Trump’s “fine-tuned machine” on display:

HUD programs targeted for elimination, including Community Development Block Grants, which help fund efforts like Meals on Wheels, may wind up with different names, but they will continue to function in some of the same ways, he said, addressing the president’s proposal to cut HUD’s budget by 13 percent.

“I know they have been called out for elimination. My impression is that what he is really saying is that there are problems with those programs,” Mr. Carson said. “And I think it may have been someone on his staff who kind of said, ‘Well, maybe we just need to get rid of the whole program.’ No, we don’t need to get rid of the whole program because there are some extremely good things there.”

If Carson knows something about Trump’s intentions that the rest of us don’t, great. But how confident is he that he has more sway with Trump than Mick Mulvaney or Steve Bannon or whoever else wants Meals on Wheels gone? Or is he just, Trumplike, going along saying whatever pops into his mind, blithely confident that what’s obvious to him will become obvious to everyone?

from Daily Kos

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