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LC council OKs alternative plan for lakefront

Lake Charles City Council members made it possible Wednesday for the city to start developing an alternative plan for lakefront land previously dedicated to the National Hurricane Museum and Science Center if the museum decides not to build there.

The council voted unanimously to allow the city the option of entering a $25,000 architectural services agreement with Randy M. Goodloe to develop a new plan for the land if the museum project is canceled. Councilman Mark Eckard did not attend.

The ordinance was deferred at the previous council meeting so councilman John Ieyoub, who was absent, had a chance to vote.

Calcasieu Parish voters in April 2016 shot down a tax proposition that would have funded the museum, with 11,673 voting against and 2,975 voting in favor. The museum, still in need of additional funding to break ground, is set to update the city on its progress in July.

Mayor Randy Roach said the goal of the ordinance is to enable the city to act swiftly if the group announces at the July meeting, or at any future meeting, that it isn’t going through with the project.

“This gives you the opportunity to be ready to go as soon as you hear word as to what their intentions are,” Roach told council members.

He said the land was “a very good site” that has drawn interest from investors in the past. If the museum doesn’t go through, he said, the city should waste no time developing an alternative plan.

“Whatever you construct there should be iconic,” Roach said. “It should really help set the stage for other development along the lakefront.”

Councilwoman Luvertha August voiced concern that spending money on a conceptual site plan wouldn’t be a prudent use of funds.

“I would hate to see another study that’s not acted upon,” August said. “I just don’t want to see $25,000 go down the drain.”

Roach told August that the ordinance didn’t obligate the city to do anything; it would just allow officials to contract with Goodloe for architectural services if they deem it beneficial at the time.

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