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Malcolm Nance: Kushner's security clearance must be pulled 'right now'

Intelligence expert and author Malcolm Nance put Jared Kushner's alleged request to establish a secret channel with the Kremlin in perspective for average viewers Friday night.

"Had any individual other than these individuals who worked immediately for President Trump, performed these actions,” he told MSNBC's Chris Hayes, "they would have immediately had their clearances pulled. They would have had their jobs terminated."

He called the report, if true, "so suspicious" that he said Kushner and his aides should "have their clearances pulled right now." He added that the FBI should "descend" on the White House immediately. Here's the full excerpt of Nance's remarks, but don't miss his impassioned reaction in the video below the fold.

Had any individual other than these individuals who worked immediately for President Trump, performed these actions at any time in the SF-86 security clearance process, they would have immediately had their clearances pulled. They would have had their jobs terminated. Some of these contacts are so suspicious that they would have warranted their own counterintelligence investigation. This nation is in a counterintelligence investigation. They are in a spy hunt over at the FBI, and now we have this story—should it prove true—of an American citizen who is the senior adviser to the president of the United States, attempting to establish what we call in the intelligence community ‘covert communications’ with a hostile nation's potential intelligence agency or senior leadership. That brings you -- that crosses the line to the espionage act of 1917. This cannot be explained. Put aside the other 18 contacts with Moscow. This one incident requires Jared Kushner and all of his immediate staff to have their clearances pulled right now and to have the FBI descend on there and to determine whether this is hostile intelligence in the White House one step from the president.

Saturday, May 27, 2017 · 1:21:00 AM +00:00 · Kerry Eleveld

UPDATE: Another scoop from Reuters—at least 3 previously undisclosed contacts b/w Kushner/Russians.

FBI investigators are examining whether Russians suggested to Kushner or other Trump aides that relaxing economic sanctions would allow Russian banks to offer financing to people with ties to Trump, said the current U.S. law enforcement official.UPDATE: Another scoop from Reuters—at least 3 previously undisclosed contacts between Kushner/Russians.

from Daily Kos

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