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Preet Bharara: If body-slammer Greg Gianforte were an immigrant, 'he’d face deportation'

Amateur MMA fighter Greg Gianforte won the special election to fill Montana’s lone House seat last night, despite being charged with criminal assault for bodyslamming a reporter the day before. As Daily Kos Elections noted, “with perhaps as much as two-thirds of the vote cast early,” it’s not clear how much the assault affected voters, if at all. Remember, this is a state that went by double digits to a racist after he confessed on tape to sexual assault. And, both got away with it, because Gianforte is now congressman-elect, and Donald Trump is now the president. Watch whiteness work, because if any brown folks tried that shit, they’d be calling someone for bail right now. It’s something that wasn’t lost on former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara—fired by the popular vote loser for perhaps being a little too good at his job—who tweeted that if Gianforte “were an immigrant … he’d face deportation”:


While Trump’s anti-immigrant executive order from last January made just about any undocumented immigrant here eligible to be swept up by his mass deportation force, on camera Trump was telling a very different—and untrue—story, claiming that he and ICE would target only criminals and “bad hombres” for arrest and deportation. The fact is the Trump regime has expanded the definition of “criminal” so broadly, that even undocumented immigrants with traffic infractions—like making an improper U-turn—can get torn from their families and shipped out of this country. But apparently, as long as you look like Gianforte, you can assault someone on tape, in front of witnesses, and it won’t stop you from getting elected to the United States Congress.

from Daily Kos

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