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Not Even Donald Trump Can Believe He's President

President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers celebrated at the White House after the House of Representatives voted to pass an Obamacare repeal bill on Thursday.

Basking in the glory of his first major legislative victory, Trump heaped praise on the smiling GOP members standing behind him who had helped make it possible. He then marveled at the job he did pushing the bill through the House ― and, more broadly, at his election to the presidency.

“Coming from a different world and only being a politician for a short period of time ― how am I doing? Am I doing ok? I’m president ― hey, I’m president!” he said, as GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), chuckled in the background.

“Can you believe it, right?” Trump continued. “I don’t know, I thought you needed more time, but we didn’t.”

Republicans have only managed to pass an Obamacare repeal bill in the House, however, making Thursday’s celebration at the White House all the more bizarre. Its fate in the Senate is far from certain.

Senate Republicans are planning to draft a whole new bill rather than take up the House bill, according to the Washington Examiner. Even if the Senate passes its own bill, lawmakers will then have to reconcile the two versions before the legislation makes it to the president’s desk.

Watch the video of Trump’s remarks above.

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