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Wall Street deregulation vote should remind us, we actually have everything in common


Today, mostly lost in the noise over GOP efforts to take away people’s health care and declare sexual assault a “pre-existing condition,” a House panel voted to deregulate banks. All the Republicans voted for it. All the Democrats voted against it. 

This is what’s so infuriating about our own current civil war. Everyone agrees with one another! Communities of color and women believe in fighting income inequality. I doubt there’s a single white liberal economic populist who doesn’t believe in ending police violence, fixing our immigration system, and fighting rape culture and other inequities women face. 

And even the Democrats, which get a ton of well-deserved abuse, are standing overwhelmingly united in resistance to the popular-vote loser’s agenda, and that of this Republican allies. And as much as some people refuse to acknowledge, we didn’t just have the most liberal party platform in history, but also the most liberal presidential nominee platform in history.

So the big question is: if we don’t disagree on ideology, what exactly are we fighting about? I’ll pick this thread back up next week, because there really is an answer to this question.

from Daily Kos

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