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Not from 'The Onion'—Trump picks anti-immigrant leader for post that's supposed to assist immigrants

According to a report from ProPublica, Julie Kirchner, the former executive director of an anti-immigrant hate group, has been tapped to serve as the new ombudsman of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, meaning she’s tasked with providing “assistance to immigrants who run into trouble with the agency, such as immigration applications that take too long to process or applications that may have been improperly rejected.” Seriously, what could ever go wrong here?

As the nation’s immigration agency, USCIS handles a wide range of legal immigration matters, including applications for citizenship and green cards. The agency can also grant legal status to those in extreme circumstances, such as refugees and asylum seekers. In addition, the agency is in charge of adjudicating applications from undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children, sometimes referred to as “dreamers” or DACA recipients.

In other words, this is a paper-pushing, application-processing agency. It’s not supposed to be political, but good god, Kirchner’s appointment makes it exactly that—and more. Just look at her group’s record.

from Daily Kos

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