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Nuts & Bolts: A guide to Democratic campaigns—rural America, the basics

Welcome back, Saturday Campaign D.I.Y.ers! For those who tune in, welcome to the Nuts & Bolts of a Democratic campaign. Each week we discuss issues that help drive successful campaigns. If you’ve missed prior diaries, please visit our group or follow Nuts & Bolts Guide.

If you’ve read my musings on Daily Kos beyond Nuts & Bolts, you know I spend quite a bit of time talking about rural America. This week, we’re going to take a bit to discuss some of the basics of a campaign in rural America, and what makes those campaigns different.

Too often, Democratic voices write off lower population rural areas and later find out those were the decisions that burned them in a statewide, congressional or even state Senate race. Years of neglect into rural communities, which exist in every state in America, has created a lack of direct knowledge of what it takes to start changing Democratic participation in rural America.

from Daily Kos

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