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Scientists use data to contrast crowd size with Trump's original lie

Using actual data to derive the number of people in a crowd. What an alien concept that must be for so many exhausted Trump supporters. Bu that’s exactly what the March for Science organization did and the numbers are staggering:

As a result, it took organizers an unusually long time—three weeks—to come up with their estimate for how many people took part in the April 22 marches in Washington and 600 other cities worldwide. In a blog post published Monday, organizers approximated that nearly 1.1 million people had protested around the world, with the largest marches taking place in DC (100,000), San Francisco (50,000), Los Angeles (50,000), Chicago (60,000), and Boston (70,000). Their patience was a marked contrast to how President Donald Trump handled his inauguration. Trump spent his first weekend as president insisting that far more people attended his swearing-in than were actually there and attacking anyone who disagreed.

In a completely unforced error, the Trump WH started burning through their honeymoon credibility right out of the gate when the pr*sident sent his minions out to lie through their teeth about his bizarre egomaniacal claim that his inaugural crowd was the largest in history. That strange predilection would become all too common in the following days. The boss lies blatantly, aides try to spin and justify the lie in the face of overwhelming evidence that the lie is indeed a lie, and then worst of all, the boss himself then goes out, undercuts his lie, and his own aides retelling his original lie. It’s a recipe for disaster and it’s no surprise that that’s what this WH has turned into a mere 120 days in. It’s no wonder staff are said to be fearful about what Trump might do or say next and reportedly getting angrier with him by the day.

from Daily Kos

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