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Trump's media blitz is causing headaches for congressional Republicans and White House staff

Congressional Republicans are trying to pretend they’re just fine with Donald Trump’s constant changes of plan, new demands, and outrageous public statements. But—surprise!—the reality is that he’s making their jobs harder.

More than a dozen GOP members and aides grumbled about the president’s numerous and at times conflicting comments about the Affordable Care Act repeal bill. [...]

According to one House GOP aide, Mr. Trump’s public pronouncements “create an unnecessary amount of drama” and raise expectations in an unhelpful way. “It’s the new world we’re living in,” the aide continued. “Most people kind of expect him to be unpredictable so you just operate with what you can control. But it leads to a bunch of pressure that doesn’t need to be there.”

Trump’s recent habit of just snagging whatever reporters are in the area and running his mouth to them is also creating headaches, and not just the ones that happen when the world learns the latest incoherent nonsense Trump is saying:

Mr. Spicer was “livid for days” after learning that one reporter with whom he has a long-running feud had been in the Oval Office interviewing his boss, said one official. “It’s been pretty on-the-fly,” the official continued. “He’s made a lot of news. It’s been largely positive.”

Normally I don’t like watching even my enemies really suffer, but Sean Spicer’s trials are fabulous entertainment. And sure, if you consider the brief subject change from “how badly is the latest version of Trumpcare going to fail” to “does Donald Trump know about the Civil War and slavery” positive, then yes, it’s been largely positive. Talking to the media probably keeps Trump happy, and a happy Trump may be one less prone to yelling at his staff and demanding big shifts in policy (aside from the ones he tosses out mid-interview). His white supremacist base might like the Civil War stuff. But you have only to look at the short list of Republican “accomplishments” since his inauguration to know that he’s getting in the way of the congressional Republican agenda and his own. And that’s something to cheer.

from Daily Kos

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